To uninstall Quick Heal Antivirus, follow these steps:
- Use the Control Panel:
- Open Control Panel on your computer.
- Go to Programs > Programs and Features.
- Find Quick Heal Antivirus in the list, right-click on it, and select Uninstall.
- Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the uninstallation process.
- Using the Quick Heal Uninstaller Tool:
- If the Control Panel method doesn’t work, Quick Heal provides an uninstaller tool on their official website.
- Download the tool, run it, and follow the instructions to remove the antivirus software completely.
- Restart Your Computer:
- Once uninstalled, restart your computer to make sure all files are removed.
If you encounter any error messages or the uninstallation gets stuck, let me know so I can help troubleshoot further!